Sunday, February 27, 2011

I love Spring!

Spring is the absoulte greatest time of the year! For some people, its the fact that everything is in bloom (personally I hate it, it gives me horrible allergies) For others, its the fact it's getting bloody warm again (Thank the good Lord!) but for me? It has to be the fashion! Spring is perfect. You get bright, cheery, preppy colors without looking lost and you can still wear jeans without burning to death. What do I love this spring? Well lets see...

Sperry Topsiders in Bahama Pink
I LOVE these shoes. I want need these shoes. They're the perfect prep! Plaid and boat shoes! :)

Let's take this month by month
First March:

Next comes April:

And Following That: May
Really, that about wraps up springtime in good ol' Alabama. But while it's here, it's pretty dang nice. Soon though summer will follow.

Until then,
Talk to you soon,

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